Friday, August 14, 2009

"Winds of change are throwing wild and free.."

There is so much love in the world.
I can see it everyday; with the way my parents smile at each other, the way my family will pray for family members when they're sick, when my friends get texts from their boyfriends and they light up, the way my friends and I will laugh over each other's silly nonsense, the way love is portrayed in movies and literature... and even the way my cat will stroke against my legs after I've fed him.

Most of us don't even realise all the love we're exposed to or even really witness. It is so simple though. All one has to do is ignore all the hatred, negativity, or awfulness that comes around. And to see - really see - all the love that electrifies between people, animals, and objects. I swear it'll make you feel better. Which is why I'm going to do that from now on.

I guess that what I'm really trying to get at is the fact that people make such a big deal out of everything - and it is incredibly stupid (not to mention annoying). Of course I've done so as well, countless of times, but I always find myself regretting it afterwards. And people (again, I too am guilty of this) ridiculously complain or worry too much about the littlest things. Isn't this stupid? Firstly, complaining a little is okay - pain on your body, worried about a test, etc. - but there's a proper time to do so. Or rather, proper things to complain or worry about. And most people complain for the wrong things..

Most people, especially my schoolmates, see me as this really calm person. I won't freak out over tests or exams, if I have a really strict teacher next I won't complain, or if I do something that could get me in trouble, I won't be all girly or whiny about it. [Life is about risks anyway!] Not that I haven't been freaked out over school things, of course I have, it's just that I will rarely do this. The reason why I do this is because I know that I'm going to be okay. I am a blessed person; extremely fortunate to have such sweet family members, phenomenal friends, a beautiful home, a full education.. the list goes on. Luckily i've realised this, and I'm fully aware that there is so much beauty and wonder in the world, too much to waste time being angry and upset. In short, I'm forunate enough to not have any close people/relatives suffering from a fatal disease, to have all my limbs, to not have to worry about food everyday, and to just have so much love from people around me.

I think people should realise just how fortunate they are - and just how happy they can be. (We all deserve to be happy, anyway.)

Have you ever walked around a shopping mall, and noticed that only two in about every 50 people you see will be smiling? It's a random question I know - but it's just something I've realised. And not just in malls even, practically anywhere you go you'll see such sullen, serious faces. Why is this? Especially when there's so much good in the world, absolutely so much love and happiness? I think it's because, like I said earlier, we focus too much on the bad stuff, and never enough on the good..

So please, anyone who might be reading this - do yourself a favor, (and me, as well as the rest of the world for that matter) and try to focus on all the love and joy that surrounds you, which you were blessed enough to have in the first place. And don't ever forget to realise just how happy you deserve to be.

Life's too short to be all namby-pamby anyway.


  1. I needed this, you have no idea considering I've been having countless bad days lately :( so thank you for this! It made me smile :]
