Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Comfort of Dessert

Sometimes, when you're not having a great day, all you need is a little cupcake (or two!) to make it better.

My parents arrived home from grocery shopping and bought me these two adorable cupcakes!

They're from 'bijoux'- just one of the chains of their food company. Other branches include 'bisou' and 'bijou'.

I'm guilty. I'm definitely one of those girls who find that dessert - whether it be a scoop of ice cream, a piece of chocolate, a cupcake or heck, even 'bubble tea' - it will make life just a little easier.

To me, dessert is one of the simplest pleasures in life. Just having 'something sweet' will immediately perk up my day and not just my taste-buds. Think about it. If you're a worry-wart about the nutritional facts about dessert, just screw that for a moment. Think about the last time you had a spoonful of ice cream or the soft texture of chocolate. Weren't you happy, even just for a moment? I live for that exact moment when the sweetness hits your tongue, making you forget about anything on your mind, forcing you to surrender to all that sugary goodness. Of course there are also the biological reasons for it, such as the release of endorphins that chocolate, for example, triggers. But to me having something sweet is just a simple pleasure in life. And if you don't like dessert well, I pity you. ):