So it's been approximately 3-4 months since I've last written on here. Oops! For the small amount of readers I did have, sorry. (:
But anyway a lot has happened since Mother's Day!
Let me put it in an organized list.
- Graduated High School.
(with a full IB Diploma - I survived!)
- Applied to one uni. (And for security reasons, will NOT be displaying it heh heh)
- Got accepted!
- Mad rush for necessary documents/visa.
- Got on a plane, said goodbye to friends and family. :(
- Rented an apartment with my sis.
- Started uni life.
And now i'm here, procrastinating from my essays and lab reports!
Quite a lot for three months! But that's how it goes I suppose. Life is just a big ticking clock and we're caught up in a whirlwind of events. But either way I've made it and I wouldn't change a thing. Well, perhaps that I'd take all my loved ones with me here...
Overall I've decided to try blogging again since writing is a + ('big plus' if you didn't understand haha) to my career objective of photojournalist? Or perhaps just anything relating art and writing/journalism - or even the media?! Ah that's the thing with my degree - Communication Studies - so many opportunities await you. At least I've still got three years to figure it out. (:
Thus it all comes down to this - practicing writing regularly with [attempted] ease whilst still trying to keep things interesting...
And seeing where it goes from here.
*Oh and in the case of copyright infringement, the title of this blog post is from the title of a song by Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. (: